I'm passionate about making jewellery that is both beautiful & meaningful.

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Julia's Story

I am the owner, founder and maker of Julia Duff Jewellery. 

My background as an architect and my passion for dance & movement, has a great influence on my work.

Amsterdam is my current home base, but I grew up in Cape Town. South Africa is a place full of natural beauty, but also a sad history of segregation. Maybe that’s why I feel so strongly about equality! Having a white skin, I recognise and appreciate the privileges I have experienced. As a woman, I understand certain aspects of the inequities that persist within our patriarchal society. 

I’m passionate about using my skills; as a designer and a maker, to counteract hatred and prejudice. My jewellery therefore comes with a message of love. I strive to promote inclusivity and celebrate diversity. Using a simple shapes and universal symbols I hope to find what connects us as human beings instead of what separates us.

Thank you for choosing to support my brand and for joining me on this journey towards a more equitable and just world.

I hope that wearing my jewellery uplifts you, and gives you the strength to shine your unique light.